Anxiety is a ball of various emotions. Name those emotions and count them out! Don’t just say I’m anxious. Say I’m nervous, I’m scared, I’m worried, I’m angry, and always focus on why.
1. Stay active
Exercise is a double whammy! It can help with not just physical health BUT mental health as well! Being active helps with drive, focus, willpower, determination, relieving stress, and critical thinking
Don’t believe me? LOOK HERE: American Psychological Association (APA),
What type of exercise you ask?! Just to name a few:
ü Jumping Jacks
ü Burpees
ü Lunges
ü Box Jumps
ü Jump Rope
ü High Knees
ü Squats
IT’S AS EASY AS 1, 2, 3.
1 Peter 5:7 - Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.